Projects outside Slovenia
SNOWSTAR S.p.a. – Italy – production of steel parts for snow cannons
HIDROMETAL – Macedonia – production and delivery of spare parts for separation equipment
VOEST ALPINE – Austria – production and mounting of welded steel joints for mining equipment
BIOMASA d.o.o. – Croatia – planning, production and installment of PANA biomass conveyors
MTT G.m.b.H. – Austria – production and maintenance of different conveyors and storage equipment
SPRINGER G.m.b.H. – Austria – production of different conveyors used for the transport of timber, processed wood and wooden byproducts
Projects in Slovenia
SALUS d.o.o. – production of conveyor systems for the movement of cranes on the worksite, production of other conveyors, agitators and welded constructions
TAB d.d. – production of different conveyors, repair and maintenance of various equipment
MPI – RECIKLAŽA d.o.o. – production and installment of heaters for drum furnaces, production and instalment of a zinc extraction furnace with all additional equipment, production and installment of equipment used for the separation of material after the disposal of used batteries, production and installment of various welded steel constructions, stairways, podiums and pipe-lines
KIV d.d. – production and installment of biomass conveyors in TANIN d.d., Sevnica; production and installation of biomass conveyors and storage in containers on sites l and ll, located in Belišče and Darda, Croatia
CABLEX-M d.o.o. – production of different custom made trolleys; repair and maintenance of different equipment
STYRIA d.o.o. – production and installation of various conveyors, leveling workbenches, equipment used for installing sheet springs, pumps used for removing liquid byproducts, mainly oil
WINKY d.o.o. – planning, production and installation of biomass conveyors for the company LIKO d.d., production and installation of biomass conveyors for the company PROFILES d.o.o., production and installation of biomass conveyors for the company GOZDARSTVO GRČA
LESNA TIP OTIŠKI VRH d.d. – maintenance of various equipment, production of stairways, steel landings; installation and repair of various equipment
ISOMAT d.o.o. – production of welded parts for different equipment and machinery
ABRASIV MUTA d.o.o. – installation of various conveyors; maintanence and repair of different equipment
LIVARNA VUZENICA d.o.o. – maintanence of various industrial equipment
SMS STORITVE, SREČKO STEBLOVNIK s.p. – production of classificators, spirals and spare parts for separation equipment
MSB d.o.o. – production and installation of biomass conveyors for the company GORENJE N.O.; production of parts and additional equipment for biomass containers; production of various custom made steel constructions and spare parts
SCT STROJEGRADNJA d.d. – production and delivery of spare parts for separation equipment
TERMIT d.d. MORAVČE – production and delivery of spare parts for separation equipment
AVTOMATIZACIJA d.o.o KISOVEC – planning, production and installation of an automated conveyor line used for the transport of whole logs directly to the wood processor
GORENJE NOTRANJA OPREMA – production and delivery of various spare parts for conveyors
METAL RAVNE, d.o.o. – repair and maintanence of different equipment
KOLIČEVO KARTON d.o.o. – maintanenece and repair of different equipment
IMPOL d.d. – planning and production – protection for lathe
CPM d.d. – the production of the spiral valve for repair and reconstruction stone mill for grinding