Digital transformation

The purpose of the operation is to carry out the digital transformation of the company Serving d.o.o..
The objectives of the operation are:
1. Through B2B or Digital Access Point (DAP) to improve the user experience for all process stakeholders in the company.
2. Establish a CDL (Centralized Data Layer) as part of the data strategy. All data will be collected in one place, stored, archived, processed and ready for further use.
3. Digitize operational processes by implementing digital content. In this way, we will establish a customized digital solution that will maximally optimize all processes and bring us closer to the minimum cost of the product. At the same time, we will upgrade our products and offer new services, thus obtaining products with greater added value. The result will also be completely new business models or financing channels (rental, maintenance, etc.).
4. In addition to the use of digital content itself, the goal is to educate users digitally, namely every process must receive digital education and progress as part of lean processes.
5. Ensure the security of data in the company and data of partners using standard security methods.
6. Included elements of Industry 4.0 will provide more accurate data with as little human input as possible.
7. Introduce an innovative business model and develop a new innovative product with a higher added value and thereby raise the level of innovation of the company. With this, a new segment of customers and partners will be reached and an excellent user experience or customer experience will be achieved.
Total value of the operation: EUR 198,253.60, eligible costs: EUR 168,998.00. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development in the amount of up to EUR 100,000.00. More information on cohesion policy in Slovenia: www.eu-skladi.si.